Excerpts of weekly notes of the director, future projects (NASA/MSFC) to the center director, Dr. Wernher von Braun

H.H. Koelle

H.H. Koelle was born 1925 in the former free state of Danzig. He was a pilot during World War II, founder of the postwar German Society of Space Research-GfW (1948), Dipl.-Ing. (MS) Mechanical Engineering, Technical University Stuttgart (1954); member of the Dr. W. von Braun team at Huntsville Alabama (1955−1965); Chief, Preliminary Design, U.S. Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA), member of the launch crew of Explorer I, U.S. citizen (1961); Dr.-Ing. (PhD) Technical University, Berlin (1963); director, Future Projects Office NASA/MSFC (1961−1965), responsible for the preliminary design of the Saturn family of launch vehicles and planning of the MSFC share of the Apollo program; editor-in-chief of Handbook of Astronautical Engineering (McGraw-Hill, 1961); professor of space technology, Technical University Berlin (1965−1991); vice president of the International Astronautical Federation (1967−1969); dean, Department of Transportation, Technical University Berlin (1989−1991). He is a member of the International Academy of Astronautics (1966), chairman, IAA Subcommittee on Lunar Development (1985−1997), and has over 350 publications. He is recipient of the Medal of the Aeroclub of France, Hermann-Oberth Medal (DGRR), the Hermann Oberth Award (AIAA), the Eugen Saenger Medal (DGLR), the Patrick Moore Medal (BIS), and the Engineering Sciences Award of the International Academy of Astronautics. In 2003 he was elected Honorary Member of the International Academy of Astronautics; 2007 Space Pioneer Award of the National Space Society USA.