Taxonomy is esscntial to sustainable development in any field research for understanding details. Though some previous works have been donc regarding the robot taxonomy, thcrc is still lacking in a scientific and proven classification for social robots about how pcoplc perceive them. The aim of this study is to propose a unified view of social robots taxonomy based on four users' perceptions, including perceived personality, animacy, anthropomorphism and threat. Subjcctive questionnaire consisting of 33 items is used to asscss the four subjects' perceptions. In the experiment, a picture of robot is shown to the participants, and each participant is required to completc a set of questiOlmaire to rate their perceptions towards each of the illustrated robot. The proccss repeats with subsequent picture until all the 100 pictures of robot have been shown to the participants. A pilot study was conductcd to improve the quality and efficiency of our subjective questionnaire. Some deficicncies are revealed and modifications of questionnaire items were done according to the found deficiencies. After the data collection, all the pictures of robot will bc classified according to the similar attributes of subjects' pcrceptions. Subsequently, the relationship between people's perception of a robot and its physical attributes is to be examined for drawing relationship between them.