Bottled water is any potable water that is manufactured, distributed, or offered for sale that is sealed in food-grade bottles or other containers and is intended for human consumption (44, 130). Thus, bottled water may be any potable water in any sealed container, ranging from 325 mL cans to 2. 0 L bottles, and from 4. 0 L jugs to 18. 0 L carboys. Smaller and larger sizes are available in some localities. The approved supply for bottled water may be springs, municipal systems, or other sources (Table 1), and subsequently the water may be subjected to a number of treatments (distillation, carbonation, ozonation, and/or filtration, etc. ) either in series or as a single treatment. The overall treatment of the source water is de­ pendent on the quality of source water, the type of bottled water being manufac­ tured, and where it is being manufactured (Table 1).