When there was a precedent, comparison was the quick method of analysis and justification. Previous experience has always offered the best guarantee, being the ancestral pattern of evolu-

M.V. HârĠa Department of Architecture, „Politehnica” University of Timiúoara, Timiúoara, Timiú, România

ABSTRACT: In a moment in that architecture is in search for new paradigms, understanding the role played by architectural theory in mediating the relationships between value systems and means of building construction, becomes essential for generating sustainable conceptual formulas. In order to determine the importance and the role of theoretical debates, our study tries to capture the way in which architectural theory has influenced the acquisition and capitalization of the potential of the iron load-bearing structures in architecture. To this end, we analyze the steps taken by architecture that uses iron load-bearing structures or structural components in relation to the theoretical reflections of the correspondent period.