Cough receptors have been documented to be present in the pharynx and

the larynx and have been inferred to be present in other locations in the upper respiratory system (see Chapters 2 and 3) (1). Postnasal drip

(PND) is clearly the most common and dominant mechanism whereby dis-

ease of the upper airway causes cough. Bordetella pertussis causes acute cough that may persist. B. pertussis may be a common upper airway cause of chronic cough in some communities (2). There are several other disor-

ders that can involve the upper airway and be associated with cough. At

times, these disorders may have cough as their sole or presenting manifesta-

tion. These causes will be listed but will not be considered further in this chapter (Table 1) (1-6). The focus of this chapter will be on PND because

of its dominant role in cough due to upper airway disease.