This chapter reflects on two journeys that have taken place in parallel: a 40-year academic career including a substantial amount of time spent mentoring other academics, and a 15-year adventure in launching and running a journal in a newly emerging field (knowledge management, KM) at the intersection of several disciplines. My intention

Introduction 1 Plus ça Change … ? (The More Things Change … ?) 3

Lesson 1 5 Should I Publish at All? 5

Choosing a Target Journal 6 Lesson 2 7 Lesson 3 7 Lesson 4 7 Lesson 5 8

“Fast Track” Routes 8 Writing the Paper 9

Lesson 6 9 Lesson 7 9 Lesson 8 9 Lesson 9 10 Lesson 10 11

What Happens Next? Reviewing 12 Lesson 11 12 Lesson 12 13

Final Remarks 13 References 14

is to draw some lessons (12 in all) about publishing research articles, including both writing and reviewing, that help researchers to publish in a way that furthers their career, especially those still near the beginning of it.