Construction output in the United Kingdom totalled £122.1 billion or approximately US$191 billion in 2007. This represents around 8.4% of GDP. Construction output is estimated to have peaked in 2008 and activity is now set for a prolonged downturn. The breakdown by type of work is shown below:

Type of work £ billion % of total New work

Residential building 24.3 19.9 of which: Public 4.2 3.4

Private 20.1 16.5 Non-residential building

Commercial 23.2 19.0 Industrial 5.0 4.1 Other 10.4 8.5 Total 38.6 31.6

Infrastructure 7.0 5.7 Total new work 69.9 57.2 Repair and maintenance

Public Housing 9.0 7.5 Private Housing 16.9 13.8 Public Non-residential 8.3 6.8 Private Non-residential 18.0 14.7

Total repair and maintenance 52.2 42.8 Total 122.1 100.0

After expanding modestly by 1.1% in 2006, UK construction activity accelerated in 2007, with output rising by 2.5%.