The ne-tuning argument with respect to the tness of the universe for life relates the values of a few fundamental physical constants (Carr and Rees, 1979; Hogan, 2000). In order for the prerequisites for the evolution of the life we know on earth to exist, the precise numerical values of these constants are critical: vary them by even a small amount and the conditions we need will not be able

to develop. Examples include the critical values relating to the often-quoted triple alpha resonance that builds 12C from 4He via 8Be: the reaction only proceeds because the 12C nucleus has an energy level just above the sum of the energies of 8Be and 4He. Furthermore, if the strong coupling constant had a value only a few percent larger, there would be 100% cosmological helium production-not an environment or composition of the universe that would be conducive to the development of even the simplest life form we might be able to imagine.