ABSTRACT: New proteins and polysaccharides were extracted, isolated from the bodies of Hypomesue olidus, and the yield were 4.08% and 1.20%, respectively. HOP-1, HOP-2 and HOP3 were separated from DEAE-52-cellulose column and the recovery rates were 1.495 mg/ml, 7.632 mg/ml, 7.992 mg/ml, respectively. HOD-1, HOD-2, HOD-3 and HOD-4 were isolated from DEAE-52-cellulose column and their recovery rates were 173.73 mg/g, 119.2 mg/g, 48.8 mg/g and 62.6 mg/g. The proteins and polysaccharides obtained showed different structures by Fourier transform infrared.