ABSTRACT: This study analyzes the relationship between purse seine sinking performance and shooting time (T ), shooting speed (V0), length of purse line (L) and length of towing line (L1), current speed (V10, V60 and V120) of 10 m, 60 m and 120 m layers or other factors. In addition, GAM (Generalized Additive Model) is used to evaluate the influences of all factors on the sinking depth and speed. The results show that: (1) four factors, which are shooting time (T ), current speed of 60 m layer (V60), current speed of 120 layer (V120) and length of purse line (L), have a significant influence on the sinking depth (D) (P< 0.05) and the significance can be ordered by V120, L, T and V60; (2) two factors, which are current speed of 60 m layer (V60) and length of purse line (L1) have a significant influence on the sinking speed (S) (P< 0.05) and the significance can be ordered as L1 and S. (3) GAM can be appropriate for studying the performance of tuna purse seine.