ABSTRACT: Aim of this study was to observe the abnormal express of E-cadherin and β-catenin in tissue and CA153, TSGF, CA125 and CEA levels of serum and nipple discharge for detection and in judging the prognosis of breast cancer. We analyzed the express of E-cadherin and β-catenin in 217 cases breast cancer, and the serum and nipple discharge levels of CA153, TSGF, CA125 and CEA in 43 cases breast cancer and 53 cases of benign lesions. The abnormal expression rates of Ecadherin, β-catenin in breast cancer were significantly higher than that in benign lesions (P < 0.01). The nipple discharge and serum levels of CA153, TSGF, CA125 and CEA in breast cancer were significantly higher than those in benign lesions patients (P < 0.05). The abnomlally expressions of E-cadherin and β-catenin and blood serum and nipple discharge CA153, TSGF, CA125 and CEA may be as the predictors for prognosis of breast cancer.