Regarding mesh convergence studies, which report conclusions on the mesh quality in reference to some problem characteristic, Ko et al. (2011) relate the required panel size to depend on the incident wave length, and so does DNV (2010). The latter gives a set of general directives regarding the panels: diagonal length less than 1/6 of the shortest wave length analysed; refined mesh in the areas of abrupt geometrical change; and increased refinement of the mesh in the vicinity of the waterline. Faltinsen (1994) also emphasizes the nuclear importance of proper panel distribution around the intersection of the hull with the waterline and points to a wave length divisor as the value of reference. Application of element size and distribution directives in an automatic way, through mesh generation or modification, has been proposed by several authors. One of the most recent algorithms is the one by Rodrigues and Guedes Soares (2014) where a new adaptive quadrilateral type mesh based solution, to be applied in seakeeping problems, is presented, together with an extensive review on the subject.