In order to design OWC or FOWC devices, it is important to make an estimate of the hydrodynamic performance of the OWC under typical operating conditions. If the motions of FOWC device can be neglected and the water column inside the enclosed volume of FOWC can be assumed as narrow, by considering it as a rigid piston and using the simple hydrostatic balance equations, the frequency of resonance motion of the water column is estimated to be equal to ω 2 = g a/ , where a is the length of immersion of the FOWC device and g is acceleration due to gravity. The internal free surface is assumed to remain undisturbed, and the piston-like water column oscillates only in the vertical direction. The maximum power absorption can be attained when the resonance frequency of the water column inside the chamber is equal to the frequency of the incoming waves, which is approximately equal to the above formula.