The prerequisite to quantization control of software product quality to win customer satisfaction is to be able to clearly describe and define the elements of software product quality. Because the software product quality factors have multifaceted elements, numerous studies have discussed software product quality factors to define a complete software product quality model. In other words, the unstructured software can be objectively


Problems and destructive power arising from lowquality software are serious problems. For example, in 1960, due to the undetected FORTRAN syntax errors, the U.S. Venus probe spacecraft launching failed. In Canada, the software error resulted in the excessive radiation released by the radiotherapy unit to cause the death of many cancer patients (Jones, 2011). These cases prove that software quality is a serious and challenging issue. To address these challenges, researches have suggested that software quality management is the key factor to ensure customer satisfaction and affirmation of project delivery (Brown, 1991; Kan, 1991).