THE PREVIOUS CHAPTERS PROVIDE the foundation for the formation of “best practices” to implement and sustain Responsive Organizational Dynamism (ROD). First, it is important to define what we mean by best practices, and specify what components comprise that definition. Best practices are defined as generally accepted ways of doing specific functions or processes by a particular profession or industry. Best practices, in the context of ROD, are a set of processes, behaviors, and organizational structures that tend to provide successful foundations to implement and sustain organizational learning. I defined Responsive Organizational Dynamism as the disposition of a company to respond at the organizational level to the volatility of advancing technologies-technologies that challenge the organization to manage a constant state of dynamic and unpredictable change. Second, best practices are those that need to be attributed to multiple communities of practice, as well as to the different professions or disciplines within a learning organization. However, these multiple tiers of best practices need to be integrated and to operate with one another in order to be considered under the rubric. Indeed, best practices contained solely within a discipline or community is limited in their ability to operate on an organization-wide level. It is the objective of this chapter, therefore, to formulate a set of distinctive yet integrated best practices that that can establish and support Responsive Organizational Dynamism through organizational learning. Each component of the set of best practice needs to be accompanied with its own maturity arc, which defines and describes the stages of development and the dimensions that comprise best practices. Each stage will define a linear path of continued progress until a set of best practices is reached. In this

way, organizations can assess where they are in terms of best practices, and determine what they need to do to progress. Ultimately, each maturity arc will represent a subset of the overall set of best practices for the organization.