Organizations currently face enormous challenges in addressing increasing social, political, and economic complexities, requiring intense use of their knowledge sources to produce wise and effective actions. This chapter proposes an Integrative Knowledge Model that incorporates an innovative and valuable Spiritual Dimension of wisdom and awareness into the current Rational Dimension of data and information, the home of science. The authors investigate four streams of wisdom in organizations and unveil an outstanding intrinsic value in the spirituality stream, alongside a harmonious and synergistic combination of mindfulness to rationality, a “mindful” approach to continuous knowledge creation. The model formulates an associated overpowering strength capable of boosting the development of an indissoluble Integrative Knowledge, which can lead an organization and their valuable individuals to a new vision, joining their mindsets closer together in a balanced implementation process that ultimately expands the current knowledge paradigm, acknowledging the most appreciated dimensions of human spirituality and rationality, its history and traditions, and its distinguishable contributions to the evolutionary progress of humankind.