Constant distraction has become the default setting for many humans, as access and connection to digital devices is now commonplace in most parts of the world. In response, a growing trend for mindfulness to enter the modern workplace is being explored by global leaders who want to thrive in the 21st century. The concept of “mindfulness” has traditionally been associated with religion(s), which may have created resistance for its integration into secular workplace settings. Mindfulness has been practiced for centuries as an open, receptive, nonjudgmental awareness of one’s current state (Brown & Ryan, 2003). Recent research has demonstrated that mindfulness provides long-term benefits to organizations by enhanced employee engagement and job satisfaction (Davidson et al., 2003; Pratt & Ashforth, 2003; Reb & Choi, 2014; Williams & Pennman, 2013).

This chapter serves as an essential resource for those who want to better understand the role of mindfulness in leadership, followership, and organizational practices for the modern world. The authors introduce a new conceptual model for creating an organization’s mindful meaningfulness ecosystem (adapted from Bailey & Madden, 2016).