This is perhaps the most famous, and most cliché, ending of numerous fairy tales, and is usually the goal of every marital relationship. Unfortunately, for far too many partners, there is to be an ending far from happy. Disagreements dissolve into bitter arguments. Tempers flare out of control. One or both turn to alcohol or other drugs for relief, only to discover such distractions exacerbate the situation. The long exposure to domestic violence comes full circle, and the son abuses his wife just as his father did to his mother. In the case of

Introduction 175 Statistical Examination 176 Types of Injunctions 177 Seeking Assistance and Filing the Petition 179 Ex Parte Review 180 Formal Hearing 184 Final Injunctions 187 Enforcement 188 Unique “Challenges” 189 Conclusion 190 References 190 Cases Cited 191 Statutes and Other Authorities 191

others, the relationship dissolves into abuse quickly, long before the opportunity to “live happily ever after” even arises, while other personal interactions, wholly unromantic in nature, can also collapse into violence, leaving a victim fearful that harm may soon return again.