This chapter shows how a combination of factors that followed the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004 contributed to deteriorating the sustainability of the livelihoods of fishing communities in coastal Tamil Nadu. The Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004 was followed by what some of the media called “a golden wave of aid.” The chapter focuses on the impact of post-tsunami resettlement and livelihood restoration on traditional fishing methods in South India. Women play an important role in selling the fish. After the men return from the sea with their fish catch, the women take over the responsibility for the sale. The surukku valai was introduced into the artisanal fishing communities of coastal Tamil Nadu in the mid-1990s. The increase in surukku valai fishing after the tsunami has led to many social, economic, and environmental changes. Surukku valai fishing had a positive impact on the net owners’ economic situation and also on their social status.