This paper presents the data and information of climate resources on Kalimantan Island which was one of the centers of food crops in the wetlands. Based on the analysis of Oldeman climate types on Kalimantan Island, it was dominated by the B1 Climate Type (30.4%). Most districts in Kalimantan have a constant trend of flooding and drought. However, there were 10 districts that demonstrate an increasing flood trend and 8 exhibiting an increasing drought trend. Based on the Katam analysis, it was suggested that the first planting time of WS 2018/2019 start September 3 to January 1-2 and the second planting January 3 to March 1-2. Distribution of paddy fields were in areas with wet climate types that experienced constant trends in flooding and drought. Climate information can help provide choices about where and what types of commodities to plant based on water availability and possible risks.