The changing scenarios of climate on earth are basically due to modifications in the biosphere, hydrosphere, their interactions, and fluctuating different atmospheric conditions. This is the reason of emergence of new pathogen records in a vast number. The diversity of pathogens is an outcome of geographical situations like host availability, abundance of new climatic situations. Their distribution is changing very fast mainly because of climatic conditions. The global change in climate is due to inert greenhouse gas (GHGs) concentration of atmosphere and their impact either may be neutral, negative/positive having potential to either increase/decrease without any impact on region and period of disease. It is not easy to confirm impacts and needs help of specialists of different areas to be sure with discussion on broader angles. Climate affects various stages of life of the pathogens. The hosts also pose various challenges in different ecosystems. The chapter focuses on various types of climatic fluctuations on major fungal pathogenic attacks on the crops and forestry plants.

The historical context is summarized below regarding diseases of plants in respect to CO2 concentration and other gases. The chapter describes how altered conditions will favor spread of diseases. What will be chemical, biological control in this regard. The chapter also discusses first reports of rust, leaf distortion and reddening of Cordia dichotoma, Rust disease of 210Plumeria (Frangipani), leaf spot disease of Calotropis procera and Acrophialophora levis producing wilt in Plumeria. It needs more research on deviations of climatic conditions affecting plant health in the plains and hilly areas and dense forests.