The Explicit and Implicit Sexual Interest Profile (EISIP) is a multimethod assessment battery of sexual interest in children and adults. It combines conceptually different indirect latency-based measures such as Implicit Association Tests (IAT) and Viewing Time (VT) assessments as well as explicit self-report measures. Thereby, it provides a convenient and economic way of assessing paedohebephilic sexual interests without having to rely solely on self-report measures which may be of limited use in forensic contexts. This chapter introduces the necessary empirical background on the validity and other psychometric properties of the EISIP that is needed to use this test battery in applied clinical or forensic contexts. It is outlined what the EISIP actually assesses and for which purposes it should not be used. Based on two case examples the process of administering and interpreting the EISIP is explained as well as some recommendations on how to feedback the results are given. The chapter closes with more case examples of how the EISIP might be applied in the context of expert assessments in court.