In 1982 Admiral Hyman Rickover, an architect of the US nuclear submarine arsenal, testified before a Joint Committee of Congress that the world would be better off if all nuclear ships were sunk. This incident is by no means unprecedented. According to Glenn D. Paige, for some political scientists, nonviolence is unthinkable for three basic reasons. First, man is a dangerous animal capable of killing by nature. Second, there will always be a scarcity of economic resources which, in turn, will lead to violence. Third, violence may be used in the case of self-defense or defending loved ones. Judging from numerous reviews, Gene Sharp’s Making Europe Unconquerable is extremely sensational. As a foremost proponent of nonviolent actions based upon credible social theory, Sharp lucidly shows that countries are already adding nonviolent civilian-based defense to their military policy. Attempts have been made to promote nonviolence within the field of peace research.