Perestroika for women has been as enigmatic as Cardin on Red Square. It is cause for celebration when Soviet women finally have access to Western goods, but Pierre Cardin designer originals are hardly the Western goods which Soviet women need. The government is pursuing policies which reinforce traditional conceptions of women in society, the "feminine." This blatantly sexist policy places primary, almost exclusive, emphasis on women's roles as mothers and wives. Before beginning an analysis of what is lacking in Soviet policies toward women, it is necessary to describe what would be helpful in such policies. Basically, any policy aimed at women should attempt to ensure their fundamental human rights. A necessary precondition to ensuring the rights of women is a policy that reflects what Norma Noonan describes as "feminism." Lenin's description of capitalisms oppression of women aptly describes the Soviet situation. According to Lenin, "capitalism combines formal equality with economic and consequently social inequality.".