Poland's territory moved westward and in effect some one-third of the country’s land in the west and north is territories regained after the war. In the regained territories, the land was mainly given to resettlers from areas that were incorporated into the Soviet Union and to smallholders from central and southern Poland. The late 1960s and the early years of the following decade were a period of relative prosperity in Poland. Poland has vast areas of natural meadows whose use for food production is however considered to be unsatisfactory, chiefly because of the insufficient degree of drainage and irrigation. The level of supply of means of production for farmers is usually appraised in Poland according to the consumption of mineral fertilizers and concentrated fodder per hectare of farmland. Farming was the branch of national economy least affected by the economic crisis that hit Poland. Vegetable plots—farming plots below 0.5 hectares—were recognized as a very positive element in the economy.