The Nile in Uganda provides the drainage outlet to Lake Victoria. The discharge passes through the Owen Falls Dam and flows through Ugandan territory to Lake Kyoga and then westward to Lake Mobutu Sese Seko formerly Lake Albert. From this lake the river traverses to the north as the Albert Nile. The United Kingdom entered into several treaty arrangements with other powers regarding the Nile. It has been pointed out that these arrangements “had the common objective of securing recognition of the principle that no upper-basin State had the right to interfere with the flow of the river, in particular to the detriment of Egypt. The development was the Agreement for the Establishment of the Organization for Management and Development of the Kagera River Basin. This agreement was signed by Burundi, Rwanda, and Tanzania in 1977. The powers of the organization are very extensive. It is a vehicle for river development as well as a regulatory body.