Since North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a community of maritime nations, its economic prosperity and security are dependent on uninterrupted maritime trade. Soviet naval theorists believe that strikes against enemy ports, shipping-related industries and communications are integral parts of a naval blockade, since they help isolate enemy territory from overseas ports and thereby contribute to the favorable outcome of the war. US and NATO ports and installations undoubtedly will be targets of land- and sea-based strategic nuclear missile strikes. Soviet land-based missile-carrying aircraft pose the greatest threat to NATO ports and installations. Bombers and patrol craft can be used for mining the approaches to enemy naval bases, ports, straits and narrows, especially it they are located far from Soviet shores. Soviet nuclear-powered attack submarines are expected to be used to blockade US and Canadian bases and ports on the east coast and in the Gulf of Mexico, and Backfire and Bear bombers could be used to strike US targets.