Avella-Castro’s methodology—the methodology of reflexive praxis—places no one, no method, no strategy, no methodology above another, for it focuses on this deep commitment to a revolutionary praxis—which, in radical feminist Celestine Ware’s words—is committed to the “eradication of domination and elitism in all relationships.” Qualitative researchers, third-wave feminists, and other activists and/or scholars—including Foucault—have written much about researchers’ impacts on the field. At the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry 2019, several panels and plenaries focused upon the politics of resistance, as well as on conducting research and/or practicing pedagogies of hope. Colleagues, scholars, citizens, and/or activists, currently, are counting on positivist researchers—including quantitative researchers—to solidify what “excessive force” entails so they can work to reduce, if not eliminate, police brutality in their neighborhoods.