Finger millet or Ragi is a short and profusely tillering plant with characteristic finger-like inflorescences, producing small reddish-brown seeds. Finger millet is one of the most important small millets in the tropics and is cultivated in more than 25 countries in Africa and Asia, occupies 12% of global millet area. Blast of Ragi is one of the major production constraints causing serious yield losses. It was recorded first in India by W. McRae from Tanjore delta of Tamil Nadu. The symptoms of the disease appear at almost every stage of plant growth. Seedling death is very common if infected seed are used for sowing. Cercospora leaf spot is one of the major foliar diseases of finger millet although restricted to certain geographical regions. The plants are susceptible to infection at all the stages of its growth, from seedling to grain filling. Under natural conditions, infection usually starts during mid-June in the early sown crop.