This chapter discuses the current status of Smut disease of Sugarcane and the integrated disease management programme in India to control them. The Smut of sugarcane caused by Sporisorium scitamineum (Ustilago scitaminea Syd.), is a disease worldwide and present in all the sugarcane growing areas of the world. Losses can be range from very minor to complete losses. The severity of smut as reported from different sugar producing countries has varied widely. Economic losses have ranged from negligible proportion to the serious levels which are enough to threaten the agricultural economy of the area. Disease severity is associated with hot dry climate where crop is suffering to water stress. Biological control is the reduction of inoculums density or disease producing activities of pathogen or parasite in its active or dormant state by one or more organism, accomplished naturally or through manipulation of environment, host or antagonist or introduction of one or more antagonists.