Lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.) is one of the protein-rich food legumes grown in India. It is cultivated in Northern and Central India. The area under lentil in India is around 1.59 m. ha with a production of 0.94 m. t and productivity 697 kg/ha. Disease symptoms appear on all the above ground parts of the plant. Initially small circular, pale green lesions appear on leaves. Lesions soon enlarge coalesce and turn to light tan with age. Seeds from the affected pods may be shriveled and discolored. Affected crops under high incidence give blighted appearance. The fungus is both seed and soil borne. It survives in the infected plant residues as well as with the seed. Seedling is infected by windblown conidia produced on diseased residues or from infected seed itself. Under severe infection, the leaves become blighted and pods become undersized. Seeds from the affected pods may be shriveled and discolored. Affected crops under high incidence give blighted appearance.