The advancement of technology in constructing highways is increasing with the advent of faster, more efficient road-building techniques. One such current technology is the use of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). This is a used hot-mix material resulting from the excavation of cold milling mixed with dolomite additives to improve the quality and longevity of the asphalt. The technology is considered effective and also reduces damages that often occur after repairs. This research, therefore, aimed to determine the Marshall, VIM, VMA, and VFB values of each mixing variation. In this study, the percentages of dolomite used as mixture were 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10% of the asphalt weight. Based on the results, it was conclusively found that the mixture showed an increase in the VIM and VFB values while increasing the dolomite percentage. However, the VMA value remained unchanged, hence it was concluded that the addition of dolomite affected asphalt filling between the material cavities.