Vegetables are the major ingredients of the Indian diet. Although, numerous strands are present which demarcate it’s effectively, mainly insects and diseases. Various insects and mites result in damage to vegetable crops at diverse periods of growth namely aphid, thrips, whitefly, leafhopper, two-spotted spider mite, pumpkin beetles, hadda or epilachna beetles, brinjal shoot and fruit borer, tomato fruit borer, tobacco caterpillar and fruit fly. An amalgamation of insect pest control program is of foremost and usually works well to suppress damage and maintain the insects population below the level it can cause any economic loss to yield, i.e., EIL. The precise way to recognize the insect damage is the beginning of a successful pest control program. The pest management program includes use of strategies that involve different mechanical and cultural practices, use of tolerant plant varieties, growing insect pest and disease-free healthy seedlings, performing appropriate field sanitation particularly confiscating the fallen leaves, debris, undertaking weekly field monitoring to observe whether insects are present, conservation of farmers friendly insect (natural enemies) and biological control agents, application of need-based insecticides and safeguarding of society approach for all the recommended strategies to maximize benefits.