In building automation systems, the usage of wireless technology gives a few preferences over wired systems. Nowadays, home gadgets are Wi-Fi empowered, and it comprises of three modules, i.e., server, hardware interface module and the software package where hardware interface module is utilized for communicating with one another and Wi-Fi technology is used by the server. The real disadvantage of Wi-Fi empowered gadgets is that it cannot communicate with one another. It either requires a new device or an individual application on the cell phone to do as such. A much better option is to unify these devices into a single program or gadget which controls them. Here, we propose a methodology that can improve framework security. The back-end includes building a system of micro-controller-based models to copy gadgets utilized in private areas with the end goal of home computerization. The front-end consists of a message interface to speak with a remote micro-controller over the web, which is verified using face acknowledgment. The home gadgets are initially associated with Android Development Kit (ADK) and subsequently associations between android device and the ADK are established. Since the info/yield ports are connected to the home gadgets, their present position will be sent to the ADK. Along these lines, the client can communicate with the mobile and send control signals to the ADK such that the installed gadgets and sensors can be controlled. From experimental study, it can be seen that the system is 90% efficient, and the efficiency can be improved by using an higher-end user device.