The ironies and cruelties of Nnu Ego’s life begin to unfold, first with the premature joy of motherhood and the resulting suicide attempt and the mixed blessings of a paradoxical fruitfulness which brings her children in rapid succession but with the nagging reality of her unrewarding years of sacrificing everything for and “giving all” to her children. The ironies and cruelties of Nnu Ego’s life begin to unfold, with the premature joy of motherhood and the resulting suicide attempt and the mixed blessings of a paradoxical fruitfulness which brings her children in rapid succession but with the nagging reality of her unrewarding years of sacrificing everything for and “giving all” to her children. Juletane is the personal account of Juletane, a young West Indian woman exile who meets and marries Mamadou Moustapha, a Senegalese student in Paris.