The discipline of IR is increasingly being criticized for ignoring and marginalizing states and societies outside of the core countries of the West. The idea of a ‘global IR’ has been proposed since 2014 – a pathway toward bridging the ‘West and the rest’ divide and thus developing a more inclusive discipline, recognizing its multiple and diverse foundations. At the same time, there is a trend toward developing theories, or ‘schools’, on a national or regional basis, the leading examples of which come from China. This chapter examines some theoretical constructs emerging in China, such as the ‘relational theory’ of Yaqing Qin, who is the foundational scholar in the ‘Chinese School of IR’, the Tianxia (‘all under heaven’) concept as applied to IR and world order by Tingyang Zhao, and the ‘moral realism’ of Xuetong Yan, who is the leading figure of the ‘Tsinghua School’. To many scholars both inside and outside China, the relationship among the various Chinese approaches and their overall contribution to the IR field remain unclear. Without claiming to capture all their nuances and complexity, this chapter hopes to stimulate a conversation among scholars, Chinese and foreign, with a view to generate greater clarity and highlight their importance to the study of IR. I argue that while making important contributions, the Chinese approaches to IR theory also face a number of challenges. This includes the need for them to offer more convincing proof that the concepts and explanations they propose can apply to other societies and to IR more generally. Moreover, there is the need for these approaches to attract a critical mass of followers worldwide, stimulate a research agenda for other, especially younger, scholars, and distance themselves from the official Chinese policy framings. The global IR approach offers a helpful framework for highlighting and perhaps addressing these challenges, especially in avoiding cultural exceptionalism and ensuring their wider relevance beyond China.