This chapter deals with Queer People of Colour positionalities as a valuable lens through which to rethink the racial and colonial imaginaries of subjects and space in Europe. It examines race, gender, class, colonialism and sexuality, inseparably, in a shared analytic. Racial and colonial violence is often legitimized in the name of protecting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender and queer spaces from dangerous and degenerate hateful others. An increasing body of writing highlights how modes of power and control give rise to gender and sexual normativities that interpellate white and racialized populations unevenly. Movement – of people, ideas, practices, objects – is key to the experience of communities of colour in the Global North. While neoliberal economies fetishize the mobile worker, Eurocentric discourses about migration simultaneously demonize the movement of racialized bodies, justifying constant policing and containment. In Europe, racialized communities are increasingly marked in this way to legitimize their immobilization within prisons and segregated urban spaces.