Biodiversity is usually broad and general term that covering the great diversity of biological individuals, from gene to ecosystem. Legume family is diverse and has 650 genera and nearly 20,000 species spread throughout the world. Most legumes are capable of forming nodules after microsymbiont induction, which serves as their habitat for nitrogen fixation. Most legume species develop a relationship with soil rhizobia called symbiosis and achieve the most of the nitrogen needs through a biological nitrogen fixation system. During the symbiosis with bacteria, most legume plants form a novel organ, called the root nodule that enables symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Plants are useful for human in various ways, and among them, some plant products are being used as a source of medicine since long ago. Pongamia Pinnata is a legume tree with fast vegetative growth, oil-rich seeds and 10 to 20 m in maximum height.