‘Once upon a time a therapist began to write …’

She was unsure about how best to capture the complexities and subtleties of therapeutic work, there was so much to share from over a decade of therapy work and of a life filled with experience. What she finally wrote was a tale of two halves, of beyond relationships and of personal and professional worlds that were intrinsically linked. She wrote of therapy and supervision relationships and of how, sometimes, almost magical twists and turns in personal experiences became enmeshed within them. She wrote of how seemingly uncharted experiences and new realms in supervision impacted on client work, and of how supervision did the heavy task of bringing hidden links and depths to the surface. She wrote of how therapeutic client work, supervision and personal experiences prompted new levels of awareness and boundaries on the edge of awareness that demanded acute attention. She wrote of how quality therapy and supervision demanded a level of safety, honesty and openness to allow vulnerabilities to exist and be explored. She wrote about how allowing herself to be vulnerable created renewed depth of experiencing within all therapeutic relationships as well as her personal world.

She wrote about life. She wrote about death. She wrote about existence. She wrote about the very edge of awareness. She wrote about love.