The 2010 Creativity Seminar was dedicated to the memory of Evelyn Stefansson Nef, who passed away at the age of ninety-six, several months before the seminar. Evvie's life was a series of creative collaborations, with tragedy as their springboard. The unthinkable escalated as Evvie's mother reacted with deep depression and never spoke another word for the rest of her life. Erik's ideas, shared daily with Joan Erikson, needed her facility with English for their best expression, not to mention their evolving formulation. Not unusual in creative collaborations, Joan was often Erik's hidden partner. The 2010 Creativity Seminar began with another version of this synergistic partnership, one that had its start four decades ago when the young actress Margaret Ladd first saw a play in the Riggs theatre. The psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott famously commented that psychotherapy takes place in the "overlap" between "two people playing", which locates psychotherapy itself as a creative collaboration.