The group had been divided in half with respect to their scores on the Effectiveness Questionnaire: five patients experienced the treatment as satisfactory and the other half reported a sense of dissatisfaction. One might conclude that satisfaction with therapy is a good quantitative indicator of the success of a treatment with all the concomitant benefits: more secure attachment to the therapist, decrease in anxiety, a widening of one's self-reflective capacities. For Freud, hallucinatory wish fulfilment links satisfaction with memory and the first moment of Symbolization. Desymbolization is a motivated act of destroying Symbolization, meaning making, and linking. The components of the Desymbolization scale are psychic equivalence, affect foreclosure, and disavowal. While the thrust of findings points to the prevalence of Desymbolization among low EQ patients, it is the high EQ patients who may well reveal on closer inspection their own, more concealed, version of closing off meaning.