Shi-xu develops his cultural approach to discourse as an interrelated research system, as new ways of thinking and speaking which are motivated by explicit cultural politics. The book A Cultural Approach to Discourse, is published by the Shi-xu as one of several works dealing with cultural representations of our world and the people living in it and with discourse as linguistic communication in social, cultural, political and historical contexts. His aim is to overcome a totalising theory of discourse by stressing a cultural, post-colonial perspective. Shi-xu understands discourse as always, in any given moment, "infiltrated by culture". So he criticises universalism in discourse studies and argues and proposes an in-between cultural strategy. In his arguments, Shi-xu stresses the importance of the culture that the researcher is bound to. The formulation of Mentzos relating to the unconscious aim of culture-specific institutions is equally applicable to language, as cultural and symbolic tradition.