My first contact with Pat was in January 1965, when he interviewed me for the post of Consultant Psychotherapist at Halliwick Hospital, where he had worked for three years in addition to his appointment to the Psychiatric Department of St George’s Hospital. I was struck immediately by his warm welcome, his open generosity in response to me, and his genuine interest in my work and background. I was delighted when I was appointed to this position, and later I was granted further sessions as Consultant Psychiatrist and took over a thirty-bed ward in addition to continuing the overall work of developing the therapeutic community milieu. Pat and I worked closely together with ward and community meetings, and it was in the course of this shared experience that we together developed our fascination with large groups and their intriguing dynamics. Concurrently, Pat was instrumental in bringing me into the Group Analytic Practice in 1967, and kindly allowed me to share his consulting room.