Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and queer (LGBTQ) attendees might be less inclined to spend their time in the designated traditional gay spaces and hallmark gay events. Previous event and tourism research has focussed on the demographic, behavioural and motivational explorations of wealthy middle-class single gay white men without children living in urban areas. The modern attendee is part of a diverse niche group within the broader LGBTQ community. These groups range from married attendees or attendees who have been in long-term relationships to couples from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds; couples with children; or just the single lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual or intersex attendee in search of more than sex, clubs and feather boas. It is important that event and destination managers take note of this diversity within the broader gay community. After interviewing 15 attendees and the event organisers of Gay Ski Week (GSW) Queenstown New Zealand, this chapter explores the need for event managers to revisit and adapt to the demographic, motivational and behavioural characteristics of the modern gay event attendee. In particular, this chapter discovers the motivations of Asian gay attendees as marginalised community within a traditional LGBTQ event in a traditional heterosexual destination.