Nowadays, YouTube has become a new media to share videos. People can share their activities, tutorial videos, educational materials, and entertainment. In Indonesia, YouTube is also part of media to keep and share information about cultures such as activities, language, food, art, technology, and other elements of culture. In this paper, we will present our research on the Javanese language in animated videos collected from a YouTube channel named “Cak Ikin”. Cak Ikin’s animated videos entitled Culoboyo are constantly being produced and uploaded with new or viral social issue themes that occurred in Indonesia. These videos usually get tens to hundreds of thousands of viewers on YouTube. All Culoboyo videos always use Javanese with Surabaya’s dialect. However, not all expressions and dialogues are in Javanese but mixed with Bahasa Indonesia. Here, we will focus on linguistic interferences occurring in the Culoboyo animation videos. The objective of this study is to investigate to what extent and for what reasons does the production of Bahasa Indonesia occur in Javanese animated video. The resulting analysis will show the function of Bahasa Indonesia interference in Culoboyo videos. Furthermore, the result can also reveal the vitality of Javanese at present.