Not only in terms of territorial matters, a border also exists in terms of language learning methods between children with and without mental disorders. However, segregation will not be an issue anymore in education when inclusion has become a way of transgression. The present paper is focused on scrutinising the use of chronological mobile game applications as a border-crosser in English language teaching and learning, which can be inclusively applied to language learning activities among children with and without mental disorders, in this case autism spectrum disorders, at the age of five. ChronoloGame is a designed English language learning game consisting of colourful pictures and declarative sentences proposed to be adopted as a learning medium. Overall, the procedures for designing the game follow the theory of psycholinguistics. Therefore, in the light of language learning, children both with and without autism spectrum disorder can play the game together. Themes brought up involve several daily activities. Children are directed to arrange pictures with daily activity themes in chronological order. Since it concerns the learning and teaching of chronological order, the present designed game, for children with mental disorders is suitable, and for children without autism spectrum disorders it is also acceptable.