Andre Jolivet maintained a special relationship with what might be called the 'function' of performers – to realise performance. Jolivet was often invited to conduct his own music. The founder of Jeunesses Musicales de France, Rene Nicoly, also chaired a committee promoting orchestral concerts in wider Paris area in which the Orchestre Lamoureux featured prominently. He sat on the committee of Association de Musique Contemporaine, was a founder member of the Groupement des Compositeurs de Paris, and chaired the Semaines Musicales Internationales de Royaumont. After war, Jolivet was not drawn to musique concrete or electronics, his experiments in terms of sound material being restricted to the ondes Martenot, for which he wrote the first of his twelve concertos. Jolivet was keen to enlarge the resources of all solo instruments for which he composed; according to the composer, his writing for piano, particularly in First Piano Sonata demanded 'the full range of the most diverse modes of expression from the performer'.