Psychogenic cough or ‘‘habit cough’’ is a nonorganic cough that typically

occurs in children or adolescents (1-7) but has been reported in adults (4,8,9). It is thought that there may not be underlying psychopathology

although children may have school phobia or use the cough for attention

getting (3,5,10). The cough may increase in intensity or frequency in the

presence of medical personnel and be nonexistent during sleep or distrac-

tion. Most reports of psychogenic cough note that the subjects are not par-

ticularly troubled by the repetitive coughing in the setting of frustration on

the part of teachers or parents. Some adults may be depressed, however (9).

Antitussives and antiasthma medications including courses of prednisone are ineffective in suppressing the cough. The workup for common causes

of cough such as postnasal drip from rhinitis, sinusitis, gastroesophageal

reflux, and asthma will be normal or there will be a limited to absent

response to pharmacotherapy . There may be a poor effort on inspiration

during spirometry such that the flow-volume tracing will be consistent with

extrathoracic obstruction.