I. Introduction 151

II. Hardware Requirements 154

III. 3He MR Imaging 155

IV. 129Xe MR Imaging 157

V. Conclusions 158

References 158

I. Introduction

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using hyperpolarized noble gases, such as

helium-3 (3He) and xenon-129 (129Xe), has been a novel addition to the

arsenal of pulmonary diagnostic tests. It has enabled the development of MRI

in the chest, which was traditionally hampered by the low number of protons

and magnetic field inhomogeneities that exist at the boundaries of air/softtissues of the lung parenchyma. Hyperpolarized noble gas MRI makes use of

the inherent properties of these nonradioactive isotopes, which have a nuclear

spin of 1/2. This makes them sensitive to nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methodology, albeit that this would only be marginally detectable at normal

thermal equilibrium. In a strong magnetic field, the atoms can exist in two ground

states which are parallel or antiparallel to the magnetic field. It is the introduction

of large quantities of energy using laser light in a process termed “optical

pumping,” which will allow one population of the ground states to grow (1-3).

This imbalance of the normal distribution of ground states is called hyperpolar-

ization, and the percentage of the population is what is generally described as the

level of polarization. Thus, at 50-80% polarization, the signal that is introduced

into the lungs by breathing in a small amount of gas is in the order of.100,000 at thermal equilibrium, and more than sufficient to allow for detailed images of

the lungs to be obtained.