Keypoints 733

Summary 733

I. Introduction 734

II. Mineralocorticoid Hypertension 735

A. Primary Aldosteronism 735

B. Glucocorticoid-Remediable

Hyperaldosteronism 737

C. Pseudo-Hyperaldosteronism 737

1. HSD Deficiency (“Apparent

Mineralocortocoid Excess

Syndrome”) 737

2. Desoxycorticosterone Excess 738

3. Primary Cortisol Resistance 738

4. Liddle’s Syndrome 738

D. Secondary Aldosteronism 738

III. Cushing’s Syndrome 738

IV. Pheochromocytoma 740

V. Other Forms of Endocrine Hypertension 742

A. Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism 743

B. Hyperparathyroidism 743

C. Acromegaly 743

VI. Conclusion 743

References 743


. In case of suspected endocrine disorder it is important to follow a stepwise diagnostic approach with

special focus on clinical and laboratory clues.